11 abr 2019


Here you have the answer key to the activities 1, 2, 3 and 4 on page 129.

1- The economies of European countries had a difficult adjustment to peacetime because of war, inflation and rising unemployment. This crisis was especially hard in Germany, which had to pay war reparations. As a result, prices rose quickly in Germany and its currency,  was devalued. This process was called hyperinflation.

2- The period of growth and prosperity in the United States is known as the Roaring Twenties. Up to 1929, the United States experienced rapid industrial growth. Production line method contributed to economic growth.
The origins of the consumer society were connected to rising standards of living. People bought  cars, washing machines, refrigerators and radios. These products were associated with the ‘American
way of life’. Moreover people had new types of entertainment like the cinema, spectator sports, the radio and so on.

3- On the one hand, in the early 1920s, Germany's severe economic crisis meant that it could not pay the reparations to France.
On the other hand, France could not pay  the debt with USA as a result of World War I.
In this situation, the French occupation of the German region of the Ruhr was intended to compensate it economically for the lost reparations. France could occupy  this territory because the German army had been reduced at the Treaty of Versailles.

4- Relations between Germany and France changed significantly in the 1920s. In the early 1920s, there was great tension between Germany and France, which culminated in the French occupation of the Ruhr region. However, the United States helped to reduce tensions by setting up the Dawes Plan in 1924, following the Dawes Plan they signed the Treaty of Locarno in 1925 when  Germany recognized its borders with France. After that Germany was admitted into the League of Nations in 1926.

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